
“You were wonderful at understanding the core issues and suggesting solutions. Thank you for your kindness and your caring nature, as well as your skill. I was so happy to finally come to an agreement with my mother–the first in a very long time, but hopefully not the last.” – name of party withheld for confidentiality

“I was extremely satisfied with the mediator’s commitment to finding a resolution in this case – which had earlier gone through an unsuccessful mediation. He helped to move parties to an outcome that I would have thought unreachable when we started. Well done!” – Attorney

“Our mediator did an excellent job handling the emotions of both parties and was a steady, calming presence despite the very difficult temperament of opposing counsel. He went to great lengths to try to get opposing counsel to see the weaknesses in his legal analysis and I firmly believe that if opposing counsel was more reasonable and objective, Mr. Andersen would have been successful in helping the parties reach settlement.” – Attorney

“I have mediated cases with Mr. Andersen in the past and will continue to do so in the future.” – Attorney

“I thought you did an excellent job of making my client feel heard and explaining the law to him.” – Attorney